After Richard's roller hockey game, we drove to Cleveland.

Boy, it sure takes a long time to get across Pennsylvania. Got to Mom's house in the evening.
Sunday August 5, 2012
Got up early and drove in the rain to Detroit to watch the Indians play the Tigers. Weather cleared up just as we arrived. Bought tickets from scalpers. Great seats but baked in the sun so moved into upper deck in the shade. Watched the Indians take the lead late in game only to blow it and lose 10-8. This was the Tribe's 9th loss in a row and tied their club record for most ever losses on the road.
Had a nice scenic tour of Detroit before leaving and a pleasant drive along Lake Erie on the way home.
What a delight it was to get back home and find my sister Susan and her son, Nick. So nice of them to go out of their way so see us.
Monday 6 August 2012
Had a very nice afternoon and evening visiting my sister, Mary, and her family in central Ohio. Their place is really out in the country. At one point, I stood in the middle of a field and let the warmth of the sun wash over me. I gazed up at the sky and soaked in the silence-I could actually hear the breeze, quiet chirps of the birds, and even the buzz of the bugs. There was no background traffic noise, no planes. We ended up staying for supper too. Richard got to see some more of his cousins. Such a nice, peaceful visit.
Tuesday 7 August 2012
We spent much of the afternoon at the Greater Cleveland Aquarium located at the Nautica Center in the Flats area. Richard and Lynn are very interested in aquariums and fresh water fish so it was very interesting.
There was a lot to see (and read). We stayed to watch the feeding of the alligators, stingrays, and sharks. That was worth it!
I spent a lot of time trying to get a shot of the fish above. The picture doesn't do justice to its size. I was experimenting with my cell phone camera and I couldn't get the lighting right. Also discovered the camera has a bit of a lag I was not previously aware of.
We also watched a person cleaning a tank. Kind of mind boggling to consider that a person trained in marine biology and scuba diving is needed just to clean fish tanks. This woman is just scrubbing the grime off the walls.
Today's big activity was to attend our first home game of the Cleveland Indians. It was an early game (12:05 p.m.). Parked down the street at the CSU arena parking garage and walked a few blocks to Progressive Field. Richard and I sat in the shade of the upper deck on the 3rd base side. Lynn sat in her usual section. We were rewarded with a win by the Tribe, 6-2.
After the game, we had time to bop down the road and visit the Cleveland Museum of Art. We were pleased to see that the Atrium was nearly complete (see picture of Richard below). Richard and I breezed around the galleries while Lynn hung out in the snack bar area enjoying the air conditioning (and avoiding the escalators).
For dinner, we picked up my mom and had supper at Eddie's Pizzeria Cerino. We had a delicious meal there during a visit a couple summers ago and I was eager to return. We got a big pizza and salad. Had enough to take home to my sister, Carol.
Thursday 9 August 2012
Sort of a laid back morning while we waited for my sister, Tina, to arrive from Columbus. For a while, we were entranced by the bold deer in our back yard that came right up to the house to nibble on the greenery.
When Tina arrived, we piled in my car with Mom and went off to visit the cemeteries. We visited Holy Cross Cemetery where my Dad and my maternal Grandma are buried.
Then we went a few more miles to Lakewood Park Cemetery to visit the graves of my paternal grandparents.
Since we were in the vicinity, we decided to try to find the bookstore that Amy and Mom go to when Amy is in town. It was something of a miracle that we finally found it: Half Price Books. Of course, we all bought some books (only essential ones of course).
One of our Ohio visit traditions has been supper at the Winking Lizard Tavern in Peninsula. However, this year we did a slight variation. We went to the Lakewood location and my sister, Carol, met us there. A very interesting building. We all enjoyed a fine meal (thanks Tina).
After dinner, it was back to Mom's house where we bid Tina goodbye as she returned to Columbus.
Then we had a big "washers" competition in Carol's front yard. Richard and me versus Carol and Tim. Guess who won? You're right-Carol's team!
Friday 10 August 2012
Another adventure and encounter with serendipity. We wanted to go to the Indians Team Shop in Strongsville to pick up a few items before tonight's game. Mom went with us and we decided to stop, unannounced, and visit Aunt Kathie (visiting from New Hampshire) so Mom could arrange a lunch date for next week. Aunt Kathy was staying with my cousin, Jackie; Mom and Carol had been there Saturday for a graduation party. Only problem was that we had not brought the address with us and all the houses looked unfamiliar-none had a balloon attached to the mailbox. When it became clear that we were lost, I pulled in driveway to turn around (and guess whose driveway?). Yes, it was Jackie and Jeff''s house. Everyone was scared that it might be the wrong house but I went up to the door and introduced myself to my cousin's college-aged daughter. We had a charming informal unplanned visit with Aunt Kathie.
The main attraction for tonight's Indians game was the post game fireworks. The Tribe lost 3-2. It was a chilly 73F and briefly rained. I made a mistake and left my sunglasses on which was no problem until the sun went down and even more of a challenge watching the fireworks and walking back to the car. Richard & I sat in the upper deck (I love the view, especially for the ticket price)-you can see the whole field.
Saturday 11 August 2012
Time for goodbyes and the return drive to CT. Had a nice breakfast, took care of the bedding, packed up, etc. Said goodbyes and took pictures (of course).
When we got back to CT, we had logged 1,871 miles. Thank you Mom for your hospitality and love and patience. Thank you Tina for going out of your way to see us and treating us to dinner. Thank you Mary for making your home and family available to us; we always enjoy it. Thank you Susan for stopping by to say hello. Thank you Carol for being around and helping Mom.
[Written/Published 01/06/2013]