Tuesday, October 15, 2013

St. Margaret Shrine

After the football game at Sacred Heart University,  we drove down the street a short bit until we came to Saint Margaret Shrine. I hadn't been there for several years and the last time I was there, I was sad to see it in a state of noticeable disrepair.

We were pleasantly surprised to find it in significantly better condition.  It was apparent that serious effort had been taken to repair and even upgrade the shrine.  It essentially is a hillside with about a dozen little stations devoted to saints and events (e.g. Fatima).

There was a new Padre Pio statue as well as a large area for Our Lady of Guadalupe.  We would've stayed longer but there was a wedding party taking pictures. Also since Saturday Mass was just letting out, we didn't get a chance to peek into the little church. Maybe next time.
