Monday, February 2, 2015

Happy Birthday Carol

Me, Mom, Carol (the Birthday Girl).

I was lucky to be in Clevo the morning of my sister Carol's birthday. I had planned to be visiting our Clevo office but due to a big snowstorm my contact decided to work from home. So I did too. This meant that I got to see Carol when she popped in before heading off to get her driver's license renewed. So we played around with my Mom's iPad a tired a few "selfies" and the one above turned out to be one of the best.

Not only was Carol born in February like me but she is the first born of the second half (and I am first in the first half and overall) of the kids in our family.

February 2nd is also Groundhog Day. Don't know if it saw its shadow.


Written Sunday 8 February 2015