Thursday, October 31, 2013

DVD Viewing

Here (below) is a quick overview of some of the DVDs I have watched recently. All were borrowed from the public library. These are not necessarily in chronological order.

"The Wages of Fear" was a DVD I picked up by chance. I had been thinking of another movie, which was a remake of this 1953 B&W film. It was pretty long and deep. Dialogue in French. Very arty. No happy ending.


I like to have some comedy to ease the tensions of life and clear my brain.  Watching Season 1 and Season 2 of the old TV series, Get Smart definitely clears out your head. Would you believe that our library only has seasons 1 and 2 but not the other 3? I watched these back-to-back (that turned out to be something of a challenge).

One Day on Earth was another one that I found in the library. I remember hearing about it and it looked interesting so I took it home.  It is a documentary, a series of events happening around the world to document 10-10-10 (October 10, 2010). I watched it on 10-10 (2013), another reason I got it.  I liked it so much that I watched it a second time and tracked down a similar movie ("Life in a Day" - which I have yet to watch).  "One Day on Earth" made me feel so connected to all the people around the world. It was awesome because it showed so many different kinds of people doing different things, showed birth, death, weddings, music, etc. Highly recommended!!

Another, sort of light, TV series I watched was Jackie Gleason's The Honeymooners. Because it was from the 1950s, it is in B&W. No problem for me. Ralph Kramden (Jackie Gleason) is always getting himself in trouble. I love his wife's character, Alice. She doesn't let him push her around but loves him nonetheless because she knows he's only trying to get ahead (but he can't win). For some reason, Disc 4 is missing from the Library-hopefully it will be returned soon so I can actually see all 39 episodes.  The set is pretty beat up and I have suggested they invest in a replacement copy. "Bang! Zoom! To the moon...."

Lost in Translation is sort of a meditation on mid-life crisis, marriage, and the meaning of life. The movie is set in Tokyo. Because of the age difference between the Bill Murray character and Scarlett Johannson, it reminded me of the Pygmalion story. I also think there were some similarities with Michael Caine's Educating Rita.  I liked that despite the flirtations between the two leads, their relationship remained chaste as they struggled to make sense of their individual roles as spouse in their own marriage. I liked the ambiguous ending because you can contemplate the different potential futures depending on how the relationship impacted them.

I almost forgot this film: Drive. It was pretty weird and violent. I didn't really care for it. To me, it seemed like a long, bad modern TV plot. I'm not sure why I got it.


Sound Tigers - Lose!

My ticket-this is how ugly all the tickets look, not just Comp seats.

Last night, we (Lynn, Richard, and me) went to see the AHL Sound Tigers battle the Wolf Pack. Out first game of the AHL season. Our tickets were courtesy of a friend of Lynn's (who has "connections"). However, we did not sit our assigned seats. Rather we sat in the middle, opposite the benches (to the left of the penalty boxes).  The Sound Tigers lost 5-3.

Shot during warm-ups.
We arrived early in order to watch warm-ups. I like to sit behind the goal and watch the pucks come right at me. I did get a puck that squeezed over the glass and through the netting. Richard gave it to a little kid (we have a ton of warm-up pucks from over the years).

Not too many people attended (officially 1857 but probably actually less) because tonight was the 6th game of the World Series in Boston (and the Red Sox ended up winning the game and the Series). However, we did run into Richard's old roller hockey coach (Dean) and a woman that Lynn knew from high school days.

Food was fair. I bought chicken tenders and fries for $8.  Had to go to the other side of the XL Center to find it. Richard took only a few bites because he wanted BBQ sauce. Unfortunately, the XL Center  doesn't have sauce packages (like BPort); instead you have to squeeze out into an open tiny cup from a bulk container. Hard to carry that back to your seat. A 20 ounce bottle of Aquafina was $4. Parking in the garage at the Center was $10.

One exciting moment came during the 2nd intermission when Richard was selected to go on the ice for a contest. They wanted a Sound Tigers fan to compete against a Wolf Pack fan.  Being close to Halloween, they shot little plastic skulls into a hockey net.  Richard got 2 of 3 goals during the first round but so did his competitor. Richard was not so lucky in the 2nd round and lost but he did get a (Wolf Pack) T-shirt out of the deal.

During the first intermission, they had a "Howl-o-Ween" costume parade around the ice. Lots of kids plus a few parents plus some scary adults dressed up like medieval warriors or something. We saw them walking around the concourse before the start of the game. They were dressed in black with black executioner masks and carrying very real looking axes. Don't know how Security let them in - we found it rather unnerving. I wish I had taken a picture. When I wrote this up, I found a short blurb that seemed to indicate they might have been actors from a local amusement park's "Haunted Graveyard." Pretty spooky.


Revd W11/6/13 for Howl-o-Ween parade notes.