Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Colonoscopy Day

Three years ago, I reported to you about my colonoscopy procedure and the associated preparation.  Because several pre-cancerous polyps were found, they recommended I have a follow-up colonoscopy in three years.

So today was the day. In short, no polyps were found. So I'm good for five (5) years before another procedure is due.

I went to the same facility as the previous time and used the same doctor. Dr. Levine has done all my colonoscopies. After I moved in 2012, I considered finding a doctor closer to my new place. Since I didn't like what I found, I decided to stay with Dr. Levine since he is within an hour's drive (or so).

This time, a long-time acquaintance, Gary, drove me. He lives around the block from me and is between jobs/semi-retired. We worked together in Clevo, Hartford, and he was working in NYC around the same time I did. He's been a loyal friend over the years-helped me move a couple times (Lakewood, Bloomfield) and attended my wedding. A good guy and a blessing.  The drive gave us a chance to catch up.

Preparation kit.
While the procedure this time was virtually identical to the previous one (same room), the preparation was slightly different. Yesterday afternoon I had to mix one 6 oz. bottle of prep solution with 10 oz. of water (i.e., 16 oz. total) and drink that plus two more 16 oz. cups of water. Was supposed to do that in an hour but I couldn't take so much fluid-took me about two hours. After that, watch out!

This morning, I got up at 2:20 a.m. to do a second dose of the same regimen. This time I was able to do it within the hour by staying in the kitchen and taking sips in between saying the rosary. Funny how that works.

Did I also mention that I had to totally fast the day before (i.e., Tuesday). This meant no solid food of any kind and only clear liquids. I had a can of plain chicken broth.

When I got home, I was feeling drained (haha). When I sat down, I quickly dozed off.  Because of the sedation given during the procedure, it is recommended not to drive that day.

After not eating for over a day, I was ready for a nice lunch. Had a big burger and sweet potato fries from Max Burger. Now I am wrestling with organizing the paperwork and filing. Can't wait to get the bill(s). It could be over $1,000.

Did I mention how cold the weather was today? The high temperature was 22F; this morning it was 16F.
