Monday, May 9, 2022

Back to Biking


During the summer of 2020 I had resumed biking after years of being off. However, that effort ceased after a flat (rear) tire in early August (that was a tough month). With all the changes that occurred in my life after that, I did not have the oomph to get it fixed (nor did I have the tools to do it myself).

Last spring (2021), most of the bike stores were overwhelmed (and closed) because of COVID-19 restrictions. I called the shop where I originally purchased the bike. They promised to call back when they would be able to handle the repair but I never heard back from them (nor did I follow-up).

This year (2022), with the fading of COVID, things opened up more. I called the bike shop and they called back a few days later as promised. Today, I picked up my bike after it had undergone a tune-up, new (used) tires & tubes, new gear cassette, and new chain; I also purchased a rack to use on the car so it will be easier to transport the bike (otherwise, I would have to take off the front tire, fold down the back seat of the car, and squeeze the bike into the cargo compartment).

As can be seen from the picture above, my cycle is a mountain bike. When I first moved to Connecticut (over 30 years ago), the streets were so lousy that I bought a mountain bike in hopes that it would have the ability to endure the potholes and crap in the street. So now this is the only bike that I have. Alas, as mentioned above, the tires are not immune to glass (which, unfortunately, seems to be prolific on the nearby streets and sidewalks). While the bigger (i.e., wider) tires provide more cushion, they also generate more friction and, hence, slow the riding down. But that's okay for now since my goal is to get the muscles back in shape-I was never a racer.

Written Tues 31 May 2022.🌞