Sunday, April 10, 2016

You Only Live Twice

Movie Poster

I continued my James Bond movie viewing in the order of their release with the fifth movie in the series: You Only Live Twice. Once again, I borrowed this from my local public library. (Actually, they originally did not have this as part of their collection but purchased it after I donated $ and suggested this title as an acquisition). This DVD is not the latest release but dates back a few years.

DVD Cover

The special features of this DVD are essentially limited to a commentary hosted by a representative of the Ian Fleming Foundation. It consists of a series of edited interview clips and anecdotes by several members of the crew and cast (but not Sean Connery). I really enjoy these background information about the movie, almost as much as the movie itself.

Like the previous movie, James Bond is killed in the only sequence but comes back from beyond to save the day (of course!). The plot is largely centered in Japan and there are several Asian beauties that swoon for Bond. Also a neat aerial dogfight sequence with Bond in a specially equipped autogyro attacked by bad guys in helicopters. Of course, there is a bang-up battle at the end to climax the movie.

In watching the movie, I realized that the tune for the title song (sung by Nancy Sinatra) has been floating around my brain for many years as an unknown melody.

Written Saturday 23 April 2016