Sunday, April 28, 2019

Last Sunday Morning in April

The past few weeks, I've taken advantage of the early sunrise and moderate weather to say a rosary during a morning walk. Today I got an early start (~6 a.m.) just as the sun was coming up. The light on the trees was spectacular-the pictures below probably don't do it justice.

Since I am moving tomorrow, I wanted to share some pictures of the neighborhood where I have walked the past several years. I will miss this area very much. It reminded me of my childhood in the West Park area of Clevo as well as Lakewood during my early adulthood.

This is at the intersection of South Quaker and Boulevard, looking north (so the sunrise is from the right-out of view).

This is on Boulevard looking west toward Trout Brook.

This is at the intersection of Boulevard and Trout Brook, looking West, slightly south. I have better pictures of the tree in blossom but I love the sky in this one: the wispy clouds beginning to take over the blue sky.

Looking south down South Main from the intersection with Boulevard.
The "Asia" is in line behind the preschool sign for Bethany Lutheran.
The clouds are really the subject of this picture.

Boulevard looking west from the intersection with South Main Street.
You get a sense of the residential aspect of the area from this view.

View from Boulevard at the intersection with South Main Street
looking at the NW corner.

It really wasn't this dark but I am just starting to use the camera on this new phone and so I am unfamiliar with how to adjust for shooting into the sunlight. Still, the clouds in the sky are/were spectacular. If you look carefully (maybe) you might be able to make out why this section is called Boulevard.

Written Sunday 28 April 2018.

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