Technically, Friday (6/17/2011) was the last day of school for Richard but in reality he was finished on Thursday. This past week was devoted to final exams. Thursday's exam was for Technical Theater and included setup and takedown for the graduation ceremony. Being curious and interested, he attended the ceremony to see what it is all about. After enduring all the speeches, he now wonders what all the fuss is about.
Grades should be in soon. I wonder how he did.
Oral Surgery
In a recent post, I mentioned that Richard had gotten braces for his teeth. The rest of that story involves oral surgery needed for two (2) teeth. Since his calendar was free on Friday, Lynn thoughtfully scheduled the surgery so that it would not be hanging over his head during this summer. So Friday morning Lynn and I accompanied Richard to the oral surgeon who removed the two (2) teeth and attached a bracket to one tooth that was hiding under one that was removed.
The surgeon presented us with the two (2) teeth just like when you get your car fixed. "My what big teeth you have
So now, his mouth is sore again; back to soft foods like mashed taters, oatmeal, mac-n-cheese, etc. Oh, and did I mention the bill? There goes my income tax refund.
Richard wins another one
Last week, I mentioned how Richard is adapt at winning the game of Monopoly. As he was recovering from his oral surgery yesterday (see above), he suggested a pleasant game of Monopoly as a soothing balm. You might think that since he had the effects of anesthesia coursing through his body, along with painkillers and antiswelling medication, that his winning streak would be in peril. Not to worry. He beat me again!

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