Sunday, June 5, 2011

Out in Africa

"When I was younger, so much younger than today..." one of the attractions of visiting my grandma was the unusual air mail letters (aerogrammes) that she often received from a Jesuit missionary priest in Uganda. What a thrill it was to hear about the "adventures" of Fr. Gene Hattie.

I got to meet him once when I was in college. He used to return to the USA during summers to visit his patrons. My grandma was involved in mission Circle 7 at her church. That particular summer, grandman hosted a visit from Fr. Hattie. We had cake and coffee and, of course, said a rosary.

By the time I moved to Connecticut, my grandma's health was fading. She was dying for 40-some years (but she finally was right). Anyway, during that time, I lost track of Fr. Hattie.

Then, about 4 years ago, something of a miracle occurred. I received one of those junk mail letters from the Jesuits soliciting donations for their holy work and the letter specifically mentioned Fr. Hattie! What was even more significant was that just a few days before receiving the solicitation, I got to wondering about "what ever happened to ol' Fr. Hattie."

So I started to send a few bucks to Fr. Hattie every month and, sure enough, I received one of his famous aerogrammes, written by an old fashioned manual typewriter (see picture above and extract below).

About a year ago, Fr. Hattie was sort of forced to retire due to health reasons. So now he is in a Jesuit Retreat Home in Kenya. You can write to him at:
     Fr. Eugene F. Hattie, S.J.
     Pedro Arrupe Community
     P.O. Box 978
     Karen, Nairobi 00502

If you are interested in supporting Fr. Hattie's most recent project: the orphans of Nsumba Uganda, he recommends that donations be sent to the nuns who are now running the orphanage (do not send any money to Detroit or Chicago):
     Sr. Christine Nantaba
     5244 Manning Road
     Indianapolis, IN 46228
Clearly mark on the check: Fr. Hattie's orphans in Nsumba Uganda.

Of course, the Jesuits have missions all over the world and you are free to donate $ to whatever mission and wherever. But Fr. Hattie has a special place in my heart. I hope that you will pray for his health and his orphans.