Thursday, January 1, 2015

Another Holiday "Hike"

A week ago, I took a long stroll on a balmy-like Christmas Day. Today the weather was almost equally sunny but a bit colder (I think the high temperature today was 34F at 3 p.m.). I wanted to take advantage of the sun and take another long walk. I had several choices, including guided hikes at six (6) different state parks. But I decided it was silly to drive 45 minutes or more to walk when I could stay home and walk.

Since there was no snow, I decided to explore the golf course up the street from me (not quite a mile). It's a full, 18-hole course. I took all the paths, to get the full tour. I had a Google map that showed what I thought were all the paths but they missed about a third (1/3).

On the fairway.

I'm not sure how far I walked (I need to get a pedometer) but I was gone for nearly three (3) hours. This time, I wasn't lolling.

View near the start of my hike,

Note the thin layer of ice (clue: the rocks are on top of the "water").

There were other people enjoying the golf course today: several people walking their dogs; a family with several children; a three-some (illegally) playing golf; a stray dog; and several other people meandering about.

The sky was fantastic: blue with wispy clouds. The sun was sunny. There was a bit of  a biting cold breeze. I was blown away by the amazing variety of trees.

The solitude was quite spiritual. Several times, I stopped and looked up at the sky and watched a cloud sail by or a distant plane spew its contrails behind it. Our world is so BIG and we are so small. I imagine that the Divine is so much more awesome than we can possible conceive.

Charlie Brown's Xmas tree?

The ducks found an open spot to swim.

This brook/creek bisects the course.

Not knotty pine trees but not bad either.

Here comes the moon.

From the street I couldn't tell why sledding was prohibited but close up
I could see the terraced tees. They would really mess up a sledder.


Written today 1 January 2015 (Thursday).

Here Comes Another One-Happy New Year!

When I got out of bed this morning, it was still dark. The picture below is what it looked like. Well....sort of. I touched it up to bring out the blues because the original was basically black (hey, the sun had not risen!). Are those birds or UFOs or what?

A new dawning year from my Dining Room window.

A little while later, the sun had come up and it was pretty bright. Below is the view I saw while sitting on my couch while doing my morning Bible reading (Hosea-Chapter 11)

View through my Living Room window.

Not quite the same as last year (2014). Still, made it through 2014 and am hopeful for good things in 2015.



Written today January 1, 2015!