Saturday, February 9, 2013

Historic Snow Storm

We had a whopper of a snow storm! It started yesterday (Friday) and finished this morning (Saturday). It was billed as an historic snow storm.2-3 feet of snow was forecast/predicted...and I think we got it. Below are some pictures I took so you could get an idea. I am posting them quickly in order to get it done since I am tired because I just got in from 5 hours of shoveling snow.

The snow started yesterday (Friday) morning ~ 9 a.m. Our town was pretty much shut down by mid-afternoon. They cancelled school for Friday on Thursday night. By Friday evening, we had about 8 inches of snow. This is how it looked on Friday evening when I went out to shovel the snow around my Ford Escape:
I spent a couple hours shoveling a path to my car, around my car, the front walk (to the sidewalk, and the mouth/apron of the drive at the street. But all was apparently for nought.
When I woke up Saturday morning, this is what I saw when I looked out the window at the building next to me:
Still tired from a couple hours of shoveling Friday evening, I was not in a rush to go outside on Saturday. I went out about noon and this is what I saw:
This is what the parking lot looked like:

There are cars under those piles of snow.

There are cars under those piles of snow.

My Escape.
This is what the front "walk" looked like as well as the front of the building (street view):
Looking from lobby to street.
This is the view of the parking lot after several of us spent several hours shoveling:
No word from the property manager about when they will clear the snow so we can get out. One of my neighbors and me shoveled a path from the front door to the street in case there is an emergency. May be snow bound for several days.