Monday, April 18, 2016

Leaving for Africa Soon

Good News from Father Hattie: His plans for returning to Africa are shaping up and a departure date has been set and is approaching.

Today I received an envelope in the mail with a single tiny scrap of paper without explanation (see image below).

The somewhat cryptic notice received in the mail.

Shortly after I opened the envelope, I received an email that explained things (see below).

Letter received April 18, 2016 from Fr. Hattie via email.
As usual, I tweaked the image of the letter so that it somewhat resembles the Aerograms that he used to send (before the internet and email) when he was in Africa and India.

As you can see from the image above, Father's letters do not look like your standard email. They look different because Father types using a manual typewriter and then has someone scan the letter in order to email it.

In order to assist those who have a difficult time reading the imprints of a typewriter, my transcription of the letter is below.

My Fr. Hattie page contains a list of Father's letters I have received and transcribed over the past years. It also contains contact information for Fr. Hattie as well as how to donate to help support "his" orphans in Nsumba, Uganda.


My dear Rick:     Peace of the Living Christ!

     Will be leaving for Africa in about 6 weeks which seem[s] to me to be about 6 years. For the past few days I've been trying to sort out what I want to take with me and what I want to leave behind. Actually, I don't own that many things, so that is not a big problem. I am allowed 50 lbs. on the plane...or pay extra. Although I could do that with the permission of the Superior, I don't like to waste money. I'm not actually worried about the actual packing, for one of the nurses will do that. It's making decisions that bother me. But, 1 thing that I WILL take along is my trusty, ancient typewriter that has almost become part of my life.

     One of our nurses will accompany me from Detroit to Boston (about 2-1/2 hours) & a young African Jesuit priest will shepherd me the rest of the way. That will be a pleasant section of the journey because I've known him since H. School & he is one of the greatest persons alive. That part of the journey will take about 18 hours with a short 2 hours' stay in Amsterdam. Then HEAVEN!!!!

    Many thanks for your magnificent Gift of $$$ for our orphans (March/April), appreciated more than you know.

    Wanna come along to see an entirely & different part of God's world? The African people have so much to teach our American people in general...sociability, generosity, perpetually smiling faces & friendliness. This in spite of having 1 sparse meal a day & little else to call their own.

    By the way, just continue to send your Gifts to Sr. Christine. She will mail (Email) the info to me and I shall thank you from Africa & you will be able to prove that you have a good friend in Africa.

    Be sure that you and all of your Clan will have a special remembrance in my daily Mass & prayers. In the meantime, keep smiling & spreading His & Her love, peace and joy all over W. Hartford.

Tons of love & gratitude,                                          

Fr. Gene S.J.                                     
Written Saturday 30 April and May 7, 2016