Sunday, March 25, 2012

Pops 'n Jazz 2012

Richard is a member of the Technical (Stage) Crew at his high school. Every spring they participate in a huge musical show, Pops 'n Jazz.

The 54th annual production of Pops 'n Jazz, featured Hall High School's acclaimed jazz bands, dancers, and singers. It opened March 16, with additional performances March 17, 22, 23 and 24. I attended the Saturday March 24th performance with Lynn.

Home of one of the nation’s top high school jazz programs, Hall High has produced the musical extravaganza known as Pops 'n Jazz since 1958. Hall was one of the first high schools in the United States to integrate jazz into its daily curriculum, and Hall students have performed around the world.

Pops ’n Jazz 2012 featured more than 100 student performers, the school's Concert Jazz Band, Jazz Band, Jazz Dancers, and Choraliers (jazz singers). The program, which varied slightly each night, provided an array of American jazz classics from all eras, performed in big band and combo settings, highly choreographed jazz productions, and featured solo performances. The show offered an eclectic blend of music, ranging from traditional and progressive jazz to pop-rock and Broadway. This year, Kiss Me Kate and West Side Story were the source of some favorite numbers, according to students participating in the show.

The stage crew and set construction are coordinated by Technical Director Brian Jacobs. Technical theater and stagecraft students are responsible for set construction, as well as stage management, lighting and audio. Additional assistance is provided by Hall High parents, teachers, and staff. This year, Richard was the main spotlight operator.