Saturday, June 29, 2013

The Graduate

The Happy Graduate - June 24,  2013

Richard graduated from William H. Hall High School on Monday June 24, 2013 at 5 p.m.  It was something of a brutal ceremony because it was held outside where there was virtually no shade and the temperature was in in the 90s. The ceremony lasted about 2 hours.

Sr. Pat, Lynn, and I attended. Fortunately, we brought water-we needed it! At least one man fainted and was taken away by the EMTs. Then, to make things more interesting, a huge thunderstorm threatened. Fortunately, the only thing that did was to cool the temperature. It never did rain.

Cover of Graduation Program.
There were the usual speeches by the School System administrators, teachers, & class leaders. My favorite turned out the one by the Chinese language teacher. She explained how her path in life significantly and unexpectedly changed when she decided to chat with the Chinese teacher during college orientation. She ended up majoring in Chinese and that became her career path. She shocked most of us by describing cultural differences and comparing western toilets with eastern squat toilets. I admired her subversiveness. Fortunately, she did not linger on the subject.

I believe there were 365 graduates. Took about a half hour to get through all the names and distribute diplomas (actually, just the covers. Richard had to go back into the building after the ceremony to actually get his diploma).  The boys wore blue gowns and the girls wore white (the school colors).

The cover of the program is at the left. It is an excerpt from a larger painting (see below) done by one of the seniors. Of course there was music by the band and choir.

Richard chose not to attend the school sponsored all night graduation party held in the cafeteria. He wanted to get home to watch what turned out to be the final game of the Stanley Cup (Boston Bruins vs. Chicago Blackhawks). Also the Tribe was playing.

So we retired back to Lynn's apartment for "refreshments". I picked up some Chinese food from our favorite takeout place down the street. Sr. Pat brought some cup cakes that her neighbor sent. We had some Cookies and Creme ice cream with that.

Next step is getting ready for college. Richard plan to to attend a local state college: CCSU and major in Technical Theater.

(L-R) Richard, Lynn, Rick, Sr. Pat.

4 in 4th (too)

I just received in the mail Richard's "Student Report Card" for the 4th Quarter of this academic year, his last quarter in high school. He achieved another 4.0 GPA (grade point average) for this quarter, essentially duplicating his success last quarter.  For this GPA he is awarded "Maximum Honors" (you can't do better). This also means that for the semester he also earned all As:

  • Conceptual Physics - w/Lab
  • Discrete Math
  • Engineering/Architectural Design
  • Journalism
  • Physical Education
  • Stagecraft/Technical Theater
His cumulative GPA is 3.308.

Wow! Way to go Richard!