Sunday, June 3, 2012

A Jubilee Celebration

Lynn's aunt, Sr. Pat, recently marked 50 years as a Roman Catholic nun in the Daughters of the Holy Spirit order. We were invited and made the trek to Putnam to support Sr. Pat.

The Mass was kind of interesting. First, I think the last time I attended a mass was Judy's funeral a couple years ago. The Jubilee mass was a formal mass (in the old days it would have been considered a "high" mass) and lasted nearly an hour and a half. This was also the first mass I attended since the RC church "updated" the liturgy. "And with your Spirit." The opening hymn was in Latin (with no English translation) and the closing hymn was in French (again, with no English translation) since the DHS main HQ is in France.

Because it was a rather formal occasion, decent clothes were required. Lynn had a quandary because she had to find a dress to wear. Clothes shopping is not an easy task these days. Sr. Pat also had the same dilemma of purchasing a dress (no habits for the modern nuns). In the end, I think we looked rather presentable (note how tall Richard is!).

I was rather anxious about the whole affair because we knew we were going to encounter Lynn's two sisters who have been estranged from us since Judy's funeral. The estate is still not completely settled. I was concerned that a scene might occur but everyone kept their cool and it turned out good for Sr. Pat.