Sunday, January 19, 2014

Thank You for the Day!

This morning as I begin the day and feel overwhelmed by the tasks upon me and ahead of me, I draw some comfort and satisfaction of the blessings of yesterday. I just finished several days of reading part of the Book of Isaiah. When I read a psalm of thanksgiving, I felt a deep sense of satisfaction and gratitude for what I experienced yesterday.

I am thankful for time to read the Bible in the morning. I am thankful for the opportunity to wrestle with Isaiah. I am thankful for the resources I have to study these scriptures. I am thankful for the insights from the blog Vridar. It has been a source of magnificent perspectives that are unavailable through orthodox religion. Ironically, it has been a resource of hope and solace because of the new understandings I have gained.

I am thankful for a roof over my head, hot water for a shower, and time to read.

I am thankful for my barber and his ability to cut hair. I am thankful for the good haircut I received (even though it was not quite what I had in mind it seems to suite me). I am thankful for the experience of the barbershop, waiting my turn and watching others. I am thankful for the couple that brought their 16-month old toddler with them to the shop. What a joy to watch, not just the child, but how the parents interacted with her and themselves. So much wonder, exuberance, delight, quiet love. We need more children.

I am thankful for the time I spent with my son.

I am thankful for the local bank branch where I go every week. I am comfortable there. I am thankful that I have finances to enjoy.

I am thankful that I have a car and that it is still going after 223K miles.

I am thankful for the chance to share a meal with my son. We enjoyed burgers at a favorite Five Guys restaurant. (Richard had a Little Bacon Burger and I had a Little Cheese Burger with mushrooms).

I am thankful for the time to drive around exploring with my son. A chance to go where we had not been before, a different direction, a different perspective. A time to chat.

I am thankful that we stopped at the roller hockey rink and had a chance to watch a game (adult league). We ran into Richard's coach from ice hockey (years ago). He was there with his wife to watch his son (Richard's age) play. We watched the whole game with them and had a very pleasant conversation. I am thankful that they were so gracious and friendly to spend time with us. We also ran into a former acquaintance from our former residence. Jeff stills runs the Sports store there; he also plays deck hockey at the rink and it is a nice connection to run into him periodically. We also got Richard signed up on a wait list for the adult league. Perhaps he will get a chance again to play.

I am thankful that Richard was asked to be part of the play at his school. He originally wasn't going to be involved with this one but the department head asked him at the last minute and his schedule can accommodate it now. I am thankful that Richard is growing in his knowledge and experience in a field that interests him. I am thankful that he has the opportunity to be in college.

I am thankful that I had the opportunity to pick up Richard at the end of rehearsal and drive him home. I am thankful that our local Chinese takeout restaurant, Black Bamboo, was open late enough so we could get Richard something to eat. I am thankful that we know the young man who it the owner, Sonny, and that he is a decent and friendly person. It is a gift to have this restaurant available to us.

I got some things done yesterday; not enough-there doesn't ever seem to be enough time. Yesterday I had time to take a breath and experience God's graces. Thank you.
