Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Life's little adventures.... After Richard's roller hockey game, we didn't get very far because Lynn's car (2000 Ford Focus) refused to get out of park. The transmission was locked in the "P" position. Fortunately, she still has the Owner's Manual. Fortunately, I had my car. Fortunately, she is a member of AAA.

To make a long story shorter, we tried several things without success. We had a suspicion that it had to do with the brake lights not working (really!). Putting new bulbs did not restore the lights. We discovered there is a little reset button by the gear selector but we couldn't get that to work. When AAA finally arrived, the driver quickly showed us the trick to how to work the reset button. That saved a tow.

When Lynn took the car in for repair, they found the problem with the brake lights (a frayed wire/connection) and were able to restore the lights and unlock the transmission. So now, Lynn's car has brake lights and full range of the transmission from the gear selector.

Another blessing was that while we waited, Richard and I watched another roller hockey game (an adult league) and got to discuss the finer points of the game. Also, we met an 'old' friend who runs a used sporting goods store. Haven't seen him much since Lynn and Richard moved 4 years ago. A nice chat with Jeff (he was there to play).