Saturday, July 25, 2015

Friends of Mark Twain (Cedar Hill Tour)

Today I tried something different. I went on a tour of a cemetery. Specifically, I went to Cedar Hill Cemetery for a 90 minute tour about "Mark Twain's Companions & Cohorts." I have heard many positive and interesting reports about this historic cemetery. During the winter, Richard and I almost got stuck driving around when I decided to check out the place since we were driving past it.

Main gate to Cedar Hill Cemetery.

The neat thing for me was that it was a FREE even for me because of the Let's Go Arts donation I made in lieu of United Way at work last Fall. And at the check-in for the tour, they offered me a FREE hardback book about the landscape architect who designed Cedar Hill. Keeping my son's advice about not adding to my clutter collection, I politely declined (besides, I didn't want to carry around a book for 90 minutes).

I think I must be somewhere in this picture but I can't find me.

Although Mark Twain (a.k.a. Samuel Clemens) is buried in Elmira, NY (I wish I would've remembered that when I was there in February), many of his Hartford companions & cohorts are interred (i.e., buried) at Cedar Hill Cemetery. The tour was conducted by Steve Courtney, a former reporter who has written and lectured about Mark Twain/Sam Clemens.

The tour rambled around the cemetery and stopped at the graves of such figures as:
There were more but I didn't write them down. However, I enjoyed the walk and the history. I plan to return and explore more of the cemetery as well as attend future tours.


Written Friday November 27, 2015 (better late than never).