Wednesday, January 12, 2011

More (than enough) snow!

This is what I saw from my living room window this morning at "sunrise." The snow began last night around 11 p.m. and continued for about 12 hours.

My Ford Escape is in the lower left hand corner of this picture. It's sandwiched between two big cars. It's the one that is covered with snow (ha ha).

I'm not sure how much snow we got. The wind tends to blow through our parking lot. But this picture above shows the amount of snow on my windshield ("snow vision"). Weather service was predicting 18-24 inches and that sounds close to what we probably got.

Here is a view from my car (while I was shoveling it out) of the lot being plowed. Many of my neighbors were out trying to dig out their cars. It was nice to see them. Most were trying to help others too. One neighbor dug out the drift behind my car while I cleared off the snow from the car. After I backed out and moved the car, the plow was able to clear the snow from my spot. We used that approach for several cars. Very slippery though. One lady fell and it took two of us to help her up.

This is a view of our parking lot taken from my living room window around lunch time. You can see that my Escape is now at the right side of the picture and my previous spot is cleared open. It has stopped snowing now and the sun is peeking through the clouds as I am writing. Another storm is forecast for end of the week (oh no).

Treasure Island!

I just finished (over two days) watching the 1950 Disney movie version of "Treasure Island." What a fantastic, entertaining film - especially for boys.  As usual, I borrowed the DVD from the local library (for free). Lots of colorful scenary, adventure, and swashbuckling. Contains old fashioned "movie violence." But the bond between Jim and Long John Silver was touching. I shed a tear at the end. One of these days I will have to read the book.  There is also supposed to be a good 1934 movie version by the director of the "Wizard of Oz" (Victor Fleming).

Another Complete

Last night I finished Endless Summers the Cleveland Indians book I received at Christmas from my son, Richard. I really enjoyed it! See my previous post for details.

One aspect that really grabbed me about this book was the impact of stupid business management had on the success of the team.  Many of these errors were due to lack of long term vision and commitment. By cutting expenses, the product was not permitted to grow and mature into a winning product.

I think that good management is so important. If you have a garden, you need to care for it by giving it good well nourished soil, water, and keeping out (bad influences like) weeds. If someone just plants and then doesn't nourish, the results are usually not very impressive. And if one just throws the seed over the ground and doesn't do anything, then there probably isn't going to be much of a harvest.

When the Indians had good "caretakers" they did well.

Baby boomers who are long time Indians fans will enjoy seeing the names of all those great Indian players.