Sunday, May 12, 2019

Second Sunday in May-More Rain

Like last Sunday, I went for an early morning walk to say the Rosary and explore the multi-purpose path near my new apartment. Like last Sunday morning, it rained again. And also, like last Sunday, I got rather soaked.

Looking north (from Fairview Cemetery).

Near the start of the today's walk, I noticed a little monument (see below).

Note the monument between the bushes.

This is the plaque that is on the simple stone monument.

The plaque reads:

About thirty feet from this spot
stood the house in which
was born 1743-4

Member of Two Provincial 
Congresses from Lenox Mass.
Leader in the War of Independence
Distinguished Jurist and Member of
Congress from Lisle NY
Where he died in 1808.

On the back of the monument is another (smaller) plaque which reads:

Erected by Esther Stanley Chapter DAR 1932

Today's walk was about 2.5 miles (in the rain).

Hello from me.

 Hopefully, next Sunday will not have rain.

Written Sunday May 12, 2019.