Monday, December 23, 2013

The Hound

Richard was quite involved with this play from start to finish. He got involved in the striking the set from the previous play and stayed on to help with construction of the set for this one (if you look at the pictures from the theater website, he takes credit for painting a lot of the design on the floor). He received two credits in the program for Scenic Crew and Back Stage Crew.  During the show his responsibilities involved prop management and assisting the actors with costume changes (in the blink of an eye).

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s most celebrated Sherlock Holmes story gets a gloriously funny makeover in “The Hound of the Baskervilles.” When Sir Charles Baskerville is found dead on his estate with a look of terror still etched on his face and the paw prints of a gigantic hound beside his body, the great detective Sherlock Holmes is summoned from Baker Street with Dr. Watson in tow to unravel the mysteries surrounding his death and investigate the ancient curse of the Hound of the Baskervilles.  Three (3) male actors play all the characters.

I ended up seeing the play the evening of Saturday 12/14/2013. Because the play was scheduled during the middle of a winter storm warning, only about 30-some people showed up. Fortunately, I got a comp ticket. The show must go on.

The show ran from December 4th through the 22nd, Wednesday through Sunday. Did I mention this was volunteer work for Richard?


written W01/01/2014