Sunday, October 14, 2012

To Life

Another play for Richard in the Black Box Theater: Whose Life Is It Anyway? by Brian Clark. In addition to participating as part of his Technical Theater class, Richard was actively involved with each of the four (4) performances [Wednesday afternoon, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday evenings]. He is credited in the playbill as "Lighting Ops." I'm not exactly sure what that specifically means but he did operate the light and sound board for all the performances.
I attended the Saturday evening performance ($10) which was approximately 2 hours long including a short intermission (about 10 minutes). While I was anticipating a somber (depressing) story [a quadriplegic who wants to die], I was delighted to find a witty script that mostly breezed along almost humorously. Of course, though, these things don't have a "happy" ending. But it wasn't a tear jerker either nor did I find it overtly offensive.
If you follow the link above to the Wikipedia entry, you'll notice that there are at least two (2) versions of the play. This version used a female lead (which provides a more PC perspective in this day and age).
Ironically, just before the play opened, a similar story was actually occurring in New York City with a 28 year old woman, Grace Lee . The similarities were eerie.
Overall, an enjoyable script, good performance (especially by the leads), and laudable lighting and sound.