Sunday, June 8, 2014

Celebrate WH Days

Overhead view. June 7, 2014 (edited from WH News)
Everything happens at once ... So much to choose from this weekend. Today, we could pick from Wings & WheelsNational Trails Day, or West Hartford Days. We've previously enjoyed each of them. Why do they all have to be on the same day this year?

Richard had been looking forward to West Hartford Days, so we went to that. He had watched the ride company set up the rides during the week before. He has enjoyed watching amusement park ride construction and takedown since he was a little tyke.

I met him and Lynn at ~1:45 p.m. there on a beautiful sunny afternoon. The picture above only shows the back half of the event site. On the other side of the town hall were rows of booths for the arts & crafts vendors.

We ran into several people we know, including my friend Gary and his wife. (I worked with Gary in Clevo!). We also ran into one of my neighbors. Richard found some friends from school and rode some rides with them.

Lots of good food available. Richard was glad that one of his favorites was there: a Thai restaurant from New Haven selling garlic chicken on a stick. It was good. I got a lobster roll (with butter) for only $8. And there is the treat of Stewart Key Lime soda (in a glass bottle).

I miss that there is no longer a library book sale. But Richard says I have too many books already (and he's right).

I'm sure just one more quarter will trigger a big win.
Richard got some free rides because the amusement ride company recognized him from hanging out for so many years. He and I rode the ferris wheel, tilt-a-whirl, and sizzler. We dropped a couple bucks in the quarter game but didn't win anything. This is a fun game to watch but very dangerous to play (see picture at right).

I didn't put on sun screen and came away with a red neck. We browsed the arts & crafts booths and saw some interesting things but nothing we could afford.

In addition to the food and arts and crafts, there were community services booths (e.g., churches, social service agencies, music, arts, zoo, banks, etc.). They give out free pens and junk like that (one year I got a fly swatter). They also had a band stand. The Saturday schedule was dominated by school choirs. Richard got to see his alma mater perform and say hello to a few folks.

When the "Celebration" closed at 6 p.m. I barely had time to walk home. Then I picked up some food from our favorite pizza place, Angelina's Pizza and deliver to Lynn's apartment where we watched the NHL Stanley Cup championship (Game #2) between the NY Rangers and the LA Kings. I didn't stay for the whole game (being in the sun all day really sucks the energy out of ya). The Kings won in the 2nd Overtime period.


written Sunday 15 June 2014