Saturday, June 2, 2018

Trails Day #1 at Cedar Hill: Tree Walk

Saturday June 2nd 2018 was day one of Connecticut Trails Day Celebration. Like recent years, I marked the day by attending the annual Tree Walk at Cedar Hill Cemetery (see here (2017) & here (2016): for a different "walk", see here (2011)).

Group Photo #1 (I am next to the lady in red).

The Cedar Hill 2018 Calendar description of the Tree Walk: "John Kehoe leads this walk featuring our rate and notable trees. Highlights include the beautiful European Weeping Beech, the unusual (for the Northeast) Umbrella Magnolia, and the Huss Hemlock named for a resident of Cedar Hill."

Tour leader John Kehoe (in orange t-shirt).
(Did you spot me at the left?).

The Connecticut Forest & Park Association 2018 Trails Day booklet description: "This educational walk will highlight Cedar Hill's rare and notable trees located within the cemetery's ornamental foreground and historic memorial sections. Distance: 2 miles."

Group Photo #2 (I am on the right)