Saturday, November 7, 2020

Intricate Beauty


This is my first post in quite a while, since my computer got soaked when a toilet in an apartment above overflowed the evening of Saturday August 8th (08/08). I intend to post about that (retroactively?).

A few days ago, as I was straightening up, I took apart the beer box shown in the picture above. As it was spread out on top of the kitchen counter, I was struck by the intricate complexity of how it had been produced out of a single sheet of paperboard. Stuff like this is easy to take for granted and overlook. And yet someone had to think about how to arrange the images so that they made sense when it was folded into a box. It also had to be strong enough to hold 12 cans full of liquid/beer. And it had to be cut and folded and glued. I just gazed at it for awhile. As I write this, the actual piece is at my side, a glance away because the picture above does not quite capture the amazingness of it. Of course, it will be tossed in the trash today. But still... Amazing.

After I pondered the amazing  intricate beauty of the beer box, I noticed the beauty of the empty red soda cans on the counter waiting for their trip to the recycling center (so I can get my nickel deposit back). My sister, Amy, takes pictures of gorgeous outdoor scenery at the beach and lakes that often show reflections so that you aren't really sure which way is truly up. The above picture is almost like that.

And my life is sort of like that right now, in this age of Covid-19 isolation: sometimes not sure which way is right-side up. And yet...there is beauty and God's grandeur silently around us, waiting to be noticed, to remind us ....


Written Saturday 7 November 2020.