Sunday, April 7, 2019


During the last few days, I watched the DVD (borrowed from the public library) for the 2009 movie G-Force ("G" as in Guinea Pigs). My son, Richard, and I saw it in the theater in 3D when it was originally released. At that time, under those condition, we were swept along by the special effects and enjoyed the fun. However, when we later watched it at home via DVD in regular 2D, we were quickly bored and disappointed and the movie was soon forgotten.

And then a week or so ago, Richard was telling me about a movie he had just seen in 3D (which I refuse to mention because it is mind warping garbage in my opinion). I think it was when he mentioned that the (contemporary) movie was not much besides the 3D effects, I suddenly recalled our experience with G-Force.

Curious to further test my memory, I found the (2D) DVD at a local library.  Here is what the blurb on the back of the DVD jacket says:
Buckle up for thrilling edge-of-your seat action and laugh-out-loud fun in Disney's family comedy adventure, G-Force. Just as the G-Force - an elite team of highly trained guinea pigs - is about to save the world, the F.B.I. shuts the secret unit down. But these next-generation action heroes- Darwin, loyal team leader; Blaster, weapons expert with attitude to spare; Juarez, drop-dead gorgeous martial arts diva; and tag-along Hurley - won't be stopped. Armed with the latest in high-tech spy equipment, and with the F.B.I. on their tails, the fur flies as they race against the clock to save the world.
From the producer of the "Pilates Of The Caribbean" trilogy and "National Treasure," and filled with high-octane action, daredevil stunts, cutting-edge special effects and outrageous comedy, G-Force is fantastic fun for the while family.
The way I now watch DVDs is not really a fair evaluation because I rarely watch an entire movie in a single sitting (and if I do it passes the test for being an engaging movie - or I fell asleep and have no desire to continue an exercise in futility). 

After watching the DVD, there is a lot I could say or write.The main points are:
  • I wish I could experience this movie in 3D again. It was made to be seen in 3D and 2D does not do it justice.
  • In 2D, G-Force is long cartoon-like adventure that 10-year old (or so) boys will probably enjoy.
  • The movie portrays admirable values such as teamwork, fortitude, persistence, loyalty, family, forgiveness, and redemption.  [Spoiler alert!] No one dies and there is a happy ending.
  • The movie is 10-years old and was produced by a bunch of white males. So it is not exactly in touch with the contemporary political correctness of identity politics.

I enjoyed revisiting this movie and reminiscing about a more innocent time.

Written 4/13 & 4/21/2019.