Monday, October 24, 2011

Hot Dog!

The past two Saturdays, my son, Richard, and I worked at the concession stand at his high school football field. We volunteered via the Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO). Richard helped in the concession stand selling candy, soda, hot dogs, hot chocolate and coffee. Everything is $1 except hot dogs which are $2.

I helped grill the hot dogs. The PTO has a very nice propane gas grill that is outside the concession stand. The customer buys the bun (on a paper plate) from the concession stand and we just drop the hot dog into the bun.

Both this week and last week, we sold over 200 hot dogs per game. The hot dogs are Hebrew National are delicious when grilled: juicy and sweet (just like Sugardale dogs in Clevo).

We had a great time (and the home team won both games). Richard is a great helper and they invited him to come back anytime to help. So he agreed to come back next week. That's great!