Tuesday, December 24, 2013

'Twas the night before....

Christmas tree at the office building.
'Twas the night before Christmas...3 years ago that I started this blog. I was inspired by blogs by a nephew and niece. In addition to documenting highlights of what was happening in my life I hoped to increase communication with members of my family: siblings, parents, children, uncles, aunts, cousins, nieces and nephews, and friends. In that sense it was a HUGE failure.

Obviously no one cares. And that is a symptom of what is wrong with our society today. No one cares about anyone else. Everyone is too busy with their own life. You're on your own.  Even my nephew and niece got tired of blogging and stopped. What's the point about trumpeting how holy you are if no one is paying attention (except a skeptic old relative).

You might think there would be a difference between those who call themselves Christians and those who could care less about God or religion. Nope. I guess all that stuff about loving your neighbor doesn't include taking a few moments on the web to see what is going on (unless it's Facebook). I guess the Christians don't realize (or care about) the kind of witness they are presenting. That only demonstrates the depth of their Christianity (no diving allowed). So it's not surprising at the state of things today. Was that an iceberg we just hit?

Thanks to those who have checked out this blog (once in a while at least). I'll keep pedaling on. Your apathy is not a roadblock to my trek.

12/29/2013 Addendum:  This year I sent over 50 Christmas cards but as of yesterday (Saturday 12/28, 3 days after xmas) only received 13 (!). Thanks for your consideration.

This lack of response is crushingly depressing. It is a heartless act that witnesses to the selfishness and inconsideration of our society today. It is particularly disappointing that so many family members have stopped the common courtesy of sharing at least an annual card/greeting.  The message I am receiving from this noncommunication is that I am not worthy of their time. If we have such a lack of respect and decency for our family, than what does the future for our country hold?

Out of 11 siblings and my mom, I only received 3 cards. I fared a bit better with uncles and aunts, hearing from 3 of the 4 sets (the "missing" set always sends a card with a hand written note in January). My uncle who was my confirmation sponsor disappeared from my life a couple years ago when he suddenly divorced my aunt.

Out of all my cousins, I heard from one.  Out of my adult nephews and nieces, I heard from none (these are the good RCs). Out of Lynn's family, I got 1 card.

Most of the cards I sent are unchanged from previous years. This is the 2nd year I have been at this address too. Technology is no excuse. F(acebook) you!

I did receive an email from one of my brothers but it would be something of a stretch to call it Christmas greetings. One of my sisters (who did not send a card) did call me Christmas night. But that's it.

I realize I am whining about this (and no one obviously cares). Christmas-time has long been a frustrating time for me due to the overwhelming greed, materialism, and consumerism.  My stubborn German genes will likely propel me to continue sending annual cards in the future in hopes of preserving a sense of family. Apparently, this is a value that no longer has much currency. What is the matter with us? May God have mercy on us.
