Sunday, October 27, 2019

Graced Tech Support

Our Lady of Charity prayer card

Once again, Our Lady of Charity worked a miracle of tech support for me.  Thank you!

Last Sunday, I turned on my computer to only discover that I could not log in because my mouse and keyboard did not work. I tried all kinds of things (including the essential <CTRL-ALT-DEL>) such as using a different mouse and safe mode start up. When I searched for answers using the internet on my phone, my heart sank because no quick clean simple answers were shown. Instead, lots of BIOS changes, and other such techno approaches.

After many anguishing minutes of futile attempts, I shut down the computer, unplugged it and turned it over to Our Lady of Charity I asked for her miraculous intercession to restore functionality to my old computer. For extra protection, I placed an Our Lady of Charity prayer card on top of the computer. 

Yesterday, almost a week later, I said a prayer, plugged in the power cord, and started it up and held my breathe. And now the proof of the miracle is that here I am, with the computer working, documenting that everything is back, functioning correctly.

"Oh Holy Virgin of Miracles, No one can explain all the miracles and fortitude you give to the souls that come to you. We, your children, thank you for all your graces. Amen."

Written Sunday 27 October 2019.