Thursday, March 10, 2016

Danger Man

I borrowed these from the library and have been watching them the past couple weeks.
Each Danger Man episode is about an hour and stars Patrick McGoohan who later went on to star in the cult TV series, The Prisoner during the late 1960s.

Our library doesn't have the entire series; just 4 volumes. However, I believe other nearby libraries have more episodes. So I think I can get via inter-library loans.

These are fairly intense episodes, so I am taking a break for now. They are also very 1960s British. Because these discs do not have closed captions or subtitles, I have to really concentrate while watching so that I can catch all the dialogue (which is usually pretty important).

If you notice the pictures (above), the covers actually say "Secret Agent aka Danger Man." When Danger Man was broadcast in the USA, they changed the title to "Secret Agent" and switched the theme song to "Secret Agent Man" by Johnny Rivers (which became a huge hit in 1966).

Written Saturday 12 March 2016.