Sunday, June 2, 2013

Wings & Wheels Sunday

Today was an "eventful day." Started with Richard's roller hockey: Championship game at 9 a.m. His team won 9-5. This was the first of the best of three games for the Spring Season Championship.  Richard has been on several teams that came close to winning the Championship but never got there. Maybe this time....

After the game, Richard and I went to the Plainville "Wings and Wheels" show at the nearby Robertson Airport. We went last year and had a pretty good time. So we decided to return. This year the layout was different and the cars were parked more out in the open than last year. Many of the cars were leaving as we arrived. We saw a lot of the cars as we walked past the line waiting to get out of the lot.  I imagine many left due to the heat (hot last year too).  Since the weather was sunny, hot & humid, we did not last long either.

 This year's food selection was another disappointment: basically only one food stand which served hot dogs, burgers, & fries.  We picked up some hot dogs and water for fuel at the start.  They also were selling plane and helicopter rides and had some exhibits.

Like last year, after the show we ended up having lunch in an air conditioned Burger King.