Sunday, October 29, 2017


Dust jacket for 1st edition.

I just finished reading this book: TRINITY by Leon Uris. It is a huge (751 pages), sprawling novel about Ireland. The story opens in May 1985 in the little town of Ballytuogue in Ireland; it ends in 1916. The book was published in 1976.

I don't exactly remember when I started reading this book. At the start of this year, it wasn't on my reading list nor had I really ever heard of it. However, for St. Patrick's Day, I sent out an email that triggered my friend  Joan from St. James Bible study days to  protest about the reference to orange regarding St. Patrick's day.

As you can see from the dust jacket illustrated above, there is significance regarding the colors green (Roman Catholic) and orange (Protestant) for Ireland. The book's main characters are Roman Catholics that are seeking freedom (independence) from the Protestant British empire.

Joan wrote in her email that she remembered reading/listening to the book years ago. Shortly after her email, I encountered a copy of the book at a used book sale. So I bought it and sent it to her. I was so impressed with the maps that were sprinklered throughout the book, along with the story line, that I soon bought a copy for my own reading.


My copy of the Trinity book (no dust jacket).

I don't think I have ever read a novel with this many pages. I found a lot of correlation between the issues in the book and the current political situation today: the powers that be using religion to pit the common folk against each other and exploit the minority.

There is a sequel that was published nearly 20 years later. I picked up a used copy of that. But I am taking a break from the Irish saga by reading the first book of the The Grantchester Mysteries (but that will have to wait for a future post).

I am glad that I read TRINITY and recommend it especially for those who enjoy historical fiction.

Written Sunday 29 October 2017

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Crunch Time

Quick Post:
On the morning of Saturday October 21, 2017, I was congratulating myself at getting our of the house early and was on my way to a used book sale when....

The resulting damage to my vehicle

I was only a few minutes from home, traveling the same route I use to get to/from work every day. The light was green for me as I approached the intersection (heading east). As I glanced to the left, I saw a silver car traveling very fast (accelerating), like it was trying to beat the light (which had long since turned). Instantly, I knew a collision was inevitable.  I cut the steering wheel to the right in hopes that we might miss. Alas, ....

Lynn and Richard live a few blocks away and she arrived quickly after I called her. She urged my to go to the hospital to get checked out to be on the safe side. No obvious injuries but I had banged my left side (including my head) upon impact. Airbags did not activate (which, surprisingly, everyone said was a blessing).

So much to be thankful for: several people came over to assist and comfort me as well as the other car. Someone called the police, who arrived soon after the 2nd call. A man attempted to direct traffic away from the debris in the road. The police, EMTs, and hospital staff were courteous and professional. Of course, certain aspects could've gone better; but on the other hand, I'm still here to tell the tale.

Lynn and Richard followed me to the hospital, stayed with me, and took me back home. Later, they called to see if I needed anything and dropped off a few items I requested. Also, one of my neighbors gave me her phone number in case I needed anything (concussion is on everyone's mind).

The other car.
Written Sunday 22 October 2017