Thursday, April 5, 2018

Me and my RT (and Spots)

Me and my son, Richard ( holding "Spots").

This evening I was pleasantly surprised to find that my son, Richard, had gotten his hair cut (after about two years!). He decided it would be cooler and safer for the carnival season.

Written Thursday 26 April 2018

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Easter Morning

Grace Church and friends at Westmoor Park Easter Sunday April 1, 2018

Like last year, I got up before the crack of dawn to travel to a nearby park to join my Grace Church "family" to mark the dawning of Easter Sunday. This year the weather was cloudy and cold and damp. We didn't see the sun rise; the sky just become lighter and brighter.

Sadly, the focus of the sermon was hell and damnation for unbelievers. I don't see it that way. For me Easter is not the memorial of some historic event but rather the ongoing faith in the divine creative power of God.

In last year's picture, I was stationed at the left; this year I have moved to the right side (second light cap from the right). I was glad to be standing near my "younger sisters" Marie and Emily. Too bad no one moved the three chairs from the picture. Not sure if there is any symbolism (Holy Trinity?).

Even though we had the "sunrise" service, there was still a regular Sunday service (at 10 am instead of the usual 9:30 am) but no fellowship (coffee social) afterwards nor Sunday School. I don't understand these people. Even funerals usually have a social afterwards. The sermon also repeated the fear of God angle. So much for the "Good News" (except if you consider yourself one of the "Elect").

My friend Don usually invites me over to dinner on these holidays but this year he and his wife decided to take a long weekend out West and celebrate Easter without us. Nobody told me ahead of time.I don't understand why anyone would choose to be away from their church family on the biggest Holy Day of the year. It shouldn't be a surprise (to him) why his kids don't subscribe to this brand of Christianity.

The weather got nicer later in the afternoon and I enjoyed a pleasant walk in the sun. Happy Easter!

Written Thursday 26 April 2018