Saturday, February 22, 2020

Happy Birthday (Candy)

I recently celebrated another birthday. One of my most treasured gifts was from my pen pal in Japan. A few years ago, she sent me a box of chocolates for my birthday. That inspired me to send her chocolates for her birthday. And so it continues to today. 

She always includes a fabulous card (see below). I wish I could find cards like this here in the USA. Cats usually are involved with either the card or the wrapping.

Cover of birthday card from my pen pal (in Japan).

Inside the card.

At first, my will power was weak (and it continues virtually the same today, especially regarding chocolate) and I devoured all the chocolate within 24 hours (or so). This year I was able to make the box last for several days. Hard to do since the chocolates are so yummy!

Box of Mary's Fancy Chocolate

The candy: which would you pick to eat first?

Originally I planned to take off on my birthday and enjoy a lazy relaxing day. Instead, I went to work in order to keep up with things and took another day off instead.

As usual, I was bombarded with phone calls on my birthday from my family. I am so glad that I did not set up voice mail. However, the overwhelmed me with text messages.

Other gifts include a couple ND coasters from my son; a Clevo t-shirt and GWTW Life magazine/book from my sister in DE; pumpkin cookies from my sister in PA; some gift cards from my Mom, and a kitchen magnet from my sister in central OH.

Written Sunday 22 March 2020.