Sunday, January 16, 2011

A Great Time

Yesterday I had a great time by spending the day with my son, Richard.

We had a quick lunch at Boston Market. The Market Pair is $5.99 (and I had a coupon for $2 off) which includes half a (large) salad and half a sandwich. Richard had a meatloaf sandwich and a salad; I had a chicken sandwich and gave him my side of macaroni & cheese in exchange for half of his salad. BM now serves their food on real plates with real (metal) flatware. They bring the food to your table and clean up after.

After lunch we went to the nearby ice rink to watch his high school varsity hockey team play. It was an exciting game that was decided with less than one minute remaining. Unfortunately, our team was not the winner but since both teams were from West Hartford, it was good.

Several on the team were also on the community league ice hockey team Richard played with a couple of years ago. I enjoyed seeing several of those parents.  They were amazed at how much Richard has grown (a smidge taller than me).

In between periods, we enjoyed a few delicious sugar cookies they sell at the snack stand. Richard also was drawn to a newer NHL edition of Monopoly. Ironically, a woman saw that Richard was wearing a Loomis Chaffee jacket and it turned out she knew Grandma Judy. It's hard to believe that she has been gone almost a year.

When we returned to Lynn's apartment, we worked a couple of hours on Richard's school work. Later this month, he will be selecting his classes for next year (Junior) and talked a bit about college and summer plans.  Next week, they start mid-term exams so we went over the study guides for English and American History. I was also impressed with his knowledge in Biology.

I really enjoyed spending the day with him.

The next two weekends will be dominated by his roller hockey schedule. He has games on both Saturday and Sunday so they can finish the Fall season.  The Winter season starts in February.

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