Saturday, January 1, 2011


My new glasses. About TWO years ago, my eye doctor told me it was time for bifocals. But since that sounded like something for old folks, I ignored him and kept the status quo.  A few months ago, I went for my annual checkup and got scolded for not upgrading my prescription. 

I was somewhat more receptive to his advice this time because I was constantly taking off my glasses (which I need to see far away) in order to read forms and paperwork. Nonetheless, I was not in a rush to spend several hundred dollars on new glasses.

My procrastination came to an end in October when one of the temples broke off my long time wire rim glasses.  Fortunately, I had an old pair I could wear but the prescription was weaker.

I devoted one Saturday to visiting what seemed like every eye glass store along the shopping mall route.  After visiting about 10 places, I was depressed because no one had wire rims and it was clear that I would have to pay several hundred bucks for a frame style that I didn't like.

Well, I tried to look on the positive side - that I would be getting something more contemporary, hip; something that might take a few years away from my graying hair.   HaHa.

I ended up at JC Penney Optical.  My insurance didn't make any difference (actually would have cost more).  On October 30th I paid $250 for a pair of bifocals with all the right coatings and a pair of prescription bifocal sunglasses (i.e., TWO pairs of glasses). Unfortunately, it takes JCPenney TWO weeks to fill an eyeglass order. They didn't tell me that until I had spent an hour there getting everything set.

To make a long story shorter, the glasses didn't work right and I took them back. Then waited. Then picked up the revised sets.  Then took them back. Then waited. Then picked them up. Then took them back (today) but this time they said they can't do anything more. No returns on eye glasses. They suggested checking with my eye doctor about my prescription.

So now it's been TWO months of running back and forth to the mall. And don't get me started about their limited hours of operation. I had to take time off work in order to get to the store before they closed. So now I have spent a couple hundered bucks on TWO pairs of eye glasses that don't quite work right.  TWO bad, I guess.

But I am so turned off by this experience, I have no desire to go back to JC Penney again (even for something besides glasses).

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