Monday, July 4, 2011

Climb Every Mountain

Another highlight from this Saturday (7/2) with Richard was our weekly "hike." We went to Hubbard Park in Meriden, CT to walk up to Castle Craig at the top of the ridge. Lynn and I rode up to this years ago during an AYH bike ride. At that time, I had no idea where I was going and after the ride I wanted to return for another look. 15-20 years later....

My initial plan was to walk/hike to the summit/castle. But we weren't prepared and the weather was sunny and hot. After about 45 minutes of walking along a gorgeous reservoir at the base of the ridge, Richard pragmatically insisted we return to the car and drive up. Reluctantly, I agreed.

When we got to the top, we encountered a couple who had started out the same time as us. They were so glad to see us with the car and eagerly accepted my offer for a ride back. No refreshment stand at the top!
Note the girls sitting on the outcrop.
The views were spectacular and a tad frightening if you looked down (see picture above and below).  When we got back to the starting point and dropped off our new friends, they kindly gave us each an ice cold can of soda (Sprite). Refreshing!

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