Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A Dramatic Win

Cell phone picture from our seats in upper deck.

This evening's game is the 2nd of our visit. Like yesterday, we parked in 900 garage. Tonight, the Tribe is playing the Angels.

Lynn likes to sit in lower section and has a spot that she likes. Richard and I sat in the upper deck seats that we actually paid for (see ticket below). I liked this spot because we could see the entire field (see picture above) and our view was not obstructed by the person in front of us.

The Indians won in dramatic fashion. They were losing 2-1 but tied it up in the 9th inning and then loaded the bases. Jason Kipnis, a rookie, 2nd basemen (from the Columbus AAA team) was batting ZERO (0.000) but singled in the winning run for his first major league hit and rbi. What an exciting victory!

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