Friday, July 29, 2011

Friday Breather

After yesterday's whirlwind trip to Columbus and back, we took it easy this morning. Later, we are driving to central Ohio for a wedding reception for my niece. 

I mailed a request to the County Sheriff for the correct incident report for my car "accident" at the parking garage Tuesday evening.

Richard accompanied me to Pleasant Valley Shopping Center. I wanted to get my hair cut but the barber was eating lunch (at 12:50 p.m.) and told me to come back in 20 minutes. So I went across the street to another barber. No waiting. 2 barbers. The barber who cut my hair lives on Sprague where I used to deliver the Plain Dealer. I think he moved there after I gave up the route because he didn't know several of the people I remembered. However, it was fun to hear about some of my former customers.

We also stopped at Marc's. In Connecticut, they are called XPect Discount. We browsed around and got some things for tonight's party and replenished some of the water and soda at Grandma Meg's house.

In order to tide us over until this evening, we had a small bite to eat at Arby's in the KMart plaza. Actually, we've had quite a few meals at Arby's this trip. It's not something we encounter very much in Connecticut, so it's something of a treat. Richard especially enjoys a Jamocha shake. We shared an order of curley fries.

When we got back to Grandma Meg's house, we cleaned up and got ready to go to the party.

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