Monday, July 25, 2011

Indians vs. White Sox

Richard has become a big fan of the Cleveland Indians. He watches just about every game on TV. And so one of his objectives for this year's trip was to see as many Indians games as we could.

Today's game was courtesy of my sister, Carol. She has access to seats and thoughtfully and kindly obtained tickets for us. It was a real treat to sit in these seats, located in right field.

We were excited to be there. I parked in a parking garage just down the street (900 Prospect?) next to the old "New York Spaghetti House" (now closed and vacant). $10. A short 2 block walk to the stadium.

We got into ClevO early so we could visit the Terminal Tower Observation deck. The weather was sunny and hot (and a bit hazy).

Unfortunately, the Indians did not prevail and lost 4-2. After the game, we lolled around the stadium (they were setting up a concert on the field) and visited the gift shop. Richard added a Chris Perez t-shirt to his Tribe wardrobe.

Rick, Richard, Lynn (L to R).

Richard & Lynn.

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