Sunday, September 25, 2011

Saturday in September

The weather forecast for today (Saturday September 24, 2011) was not promising: overcast with chance of rain; it rained most of Friday evening/Saturday morning.

On the positive side, the decaying NASA satellite did not hit us.

Unfortunately, Richard's roller hockey team seems to be suffering a let down from their playoff loss (on Sunday 9-11). Today marked their third loss in three games for the fall season. We lost our goalie at the end of the summer season due to back problems. Today we heard that he may have a torn disc which could require surgery if 2-3 months of rest does not help. Please keep Tyler in your prayers for healing.

My original plan was to drive back to the shore and attend the annual "Meet the Artists" at Milford's Green. However, due to the weather, decided against it.

Richard & I enjoyed lunch at Angelina's Pizzeria. We shared a "slice" of cheese and a (very large) chicken caesar salad. They had a college football game on the big screen.

Then we went back to Lynn's apartment to watch the Indians game on TV. It looked like a beautiful day in ClevO as the Tribe beat the Twins 8-2.

Since we had been sitting so much and the weather was calm, we went for a nice walk around the neighborhood for about an hour and a half. Lynn and I like to take a brisk pace; but Richard apparently thought he got all the exercise he needed this morning at roller hockey.

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