Sunday, September 11, 2011

A Sunny September Morning

Initially, I had planned to write about my memories of this morning 10 years ago today. But I decided that I would rather count my blessings."

I worked in Lower Manhattan for four years (1996-2000). Every week day, I took the Metro North train into Grand Central Terminal, walked across the concourse and went down into the subway and rode the Green Line (4/6) express to downtown. The twin towers dominated your view especially as you came out of the subway (see picture at left).

Dear God,

Thank you for all the good times that I had in towers, especially the many engineering society meetings.

Thank you for the enjoyable times I spent in the Borders Book store at the WTC.

Thank you for the job opportunities I had in the towers but didn't accept.

Thank you for the friends and colleagues that you kept safe 10 years ago. Several worked in or near the tower but got home okay.

Thank you for the chance to know Dick Klares and Mike Ferugio. They were good men and I am glad to have had the chance to rub shoulders with them. I won't forget them.

Thank you for the blue sky and the warm sun shine.

Thank you for my colleagues who are working at the construction site for the new tower. Please keep them safe.

Thank you God. Amen.

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