Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Wright Book

I have been reading this book (Black Boy by Richard Wright) because Richard's high school English class has been studying it.  Both Lynn and I have been using the edition pictured above.

Frankly, I am enthralled with this book and am finding it very relevant and inspirational. However, as one might presume, the subject matter is rather delicate and mature. I'm pretty sure that many of the middle class high school students do not have the life experience necessary to grasp many of the key points of the book. Nonetheless, it is a book that they will hopefully return to in the future to glean its finer points that they may have missed during their initial harvesting.

Richard told me this weekend that they are finished with this book despite only having read about half of the first part (note: the first part of this edition was a separate best seller when it was originally published in the early 1940s.). I still have a few more chapters to go to get through the whole thing.

I highly recommend this book!

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