Sunday, April 15, 2012


This Saturday (April 14th) Richard and I had lunch at a new burger joint in town (see picture above): MooYah. It sort of reminds me of "5 Guys" or "Jake's Wayback."

One of its novelties is that you get to choose the makeup of your burger (see menu below).

Their burger is actually two patties. Richard had a M-burger with bacon, lettuce, and mayo. I had a T-burger (single patty) with cheddar cheese, lettuce, tomato, and mayo. We shared an order of small fries (more than enough). With 2 regular drinks, the bill was ~$18. Pretty steep for lunch but this is a step up from fast food and slightly below the premium burger joints (Plan B, Max Burger).

We just beat the lunch crowd and got a decent spot to watch the big screen TVs. Since the place it new, it got crowded quickly. We'll probably go back a few more times, especially since it's closer than 5 Guys, less expensive than Plan B, and tastier than McDonald's (across the street). Want to try the sweet potato fries, veggie burger, and shakes.

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