Saturday, June 16, 2012

Chaos to Creation

During this past week, I have had to drive nearly 2-1/2 hours (each way) to get to the project I am working on. After my morning rosary, that leaves a lot of time. This past week I listened to a series of 12 programs (~hour each) regarding Paul McCartney's 2005 album, Chaos and Creation in the Backyard.

I do not have this album; didn't buy it at the time and have never heard it. Although I was once a "Beatles-aholic", the pressure of trying to collect all the songs wore me down and I stopped. This became easier to do as McCartney's work became more and more sappier.

However, I found this series of documentaries on a music blog and figured I'd explore it. I can't say that I listened to every minute. I skipped past some interviews. There are only so many times you can listen to the same story about a lousy song. Macca has fallen into the trap of so many old pop stars: pursuit of interesting chords rather than focusing on song and lyric development.

A couple of items I found interesting:

  • This album was released about a year before Macca's marriage to Heather Mills went sour. Since he spent so much time touring, I wonder how that affected his marriage. And since he is still touring (at 70 years old!) I wonder how that will affect his 3rd marriage.
  • While most of the programs dealt with the album, the last few programs shifted toward his touring. Most of the songs he played on tour were old Beatles tunes; he only played four (4) from the new album. Somehow this doesn't set right with me. I think it dilutes the significance of those songs. Something is off kilter about a 60-something man performing songs he did in his 20s.
  • Several of the songs seemed to be rewrites of Beatles songs. He explained that "Jenny Wren" is an attempt to duplicate the style of his Beatles-era song, "Blackbird." And it sounds it. Very derivative.
  • Overall, Macca comes off as very decent person during these interviews. That is also his reputation. But again, I find it odd for someone so old to be acting so young. Several persons mentioned Dorian Gray when talking about McCartney. On the other hand, perhaps it is his vegetarian diet.
By the end of these 12 programs, I had had my fill of this album and am looking forward to a break from OLD Paul.

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