Monday, July 2, 2012

Baltimore Bust

For  a while I have been wanting to go to Baltimore to visit my sister, Amy, and visit Fort McHenry. I thought we had an opportunity to do so this weekend. An extra special added bonus and incentive was that our favorite Cleveland Indians were scheduled to play in Baltimore. Richard and I were going to drive there Saturday morning, stay with Amy, and catch the Saturday and Sunday ball games; we would squeeze in a couple hours at Fort McHenry either Saturday or Sunday morning. Alas, it was not to be.

Amy called me early Saturday morning (actually, she left a voice message around midnight but I was asleep), ~ 6:30 a.m. to report that a freak storm had blown through Baltimore Friday evening and her apartment had not power - could be days before it was restored. And the forecast for the weekend was temperatures close to (or exceeding) 100F(!) with a 30% chance of severe thunderstorms in the afternoon.

Being a prudent sort, I decided it was probably not a good idea to drive 6 hours and encounter problems. At this point, I was not even sure if the ball games would be played. My mind was thinking of the problems we faced this past fall when an early freak snow storm knocked down trees throughout the town, triggering a power outage that lasted over a week.

As it was, power was not restored to Amy's apartment until Sunday evening. The Divine Power allowed the Indians to win both games that we had planned to see.

So we stayed home and made the best of it. The weather was almost equally hot (i.e., upper 90s).

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