Monday, September 9, 2013

My Visit to Lake Compounce

Click on map to see larger version.

Lynn and Richard invited me along today (Sunday 8 September) on a trip to "their" amusement park, Lake Compounce. They have season passes and go often during the summer. They've been visiting this park for years.  Today was "Bring a buddy Day."

The last time I was here was July 2009. I was more adventurous then and rode the roller coasters and more. This year I was feeling a bit off and not really ready to challenge the coasters. I am not a fan of getting dizzy and nauseous.

This year I rode the Sky Ride, American Flyers, Pirate Ship, and the Merry-Go-Round. I know, it sounds pretty tame. But look at the pictures of the Sky Ride. It was a half hour of terror! At the end, my knuckles were white from gripping the bar. But what a view.

Sky Ride - near the bottom.

Sky Ride - closer to the top.

The American Flyers was nice but I had a hard time climbing in and out of the car. The knees get stiff now, ya know?

American Flyers
The Pirate Ship turned out to be a mistake. I had ridden this before and had fun. But this time it gave me a nauseous headache. Perhaps it was the kids screaming behind us. It seemed to go on forever.

Pirate Ship

Lynn and I wanted to ride the train, but it broke down so we walked instead. They also have a real trolley but it is quicker to walk (and we've ridden a trolley before).

The last "ride" Richard and I went on (Lynn doesn't ride the rides) was the Merry-Go-Round. We sat on the horses that go up and down. Some people didn't know that there are horses that move and also static horses. It was humorous to see them wondering why the horse wasn't going.

Richard also did a few rides on his own. We enjoyed a beautiful sunny day that turned out to be delightfully warm. Nice to be together.


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