Sunday, March 9, 2014

Greetings from Japan

Yesterday I came home to find a large yellowish padded envelope from Japan (for me!). Hooray! It was from my pen pal, Satoko. We go back a long time (at least 25 years). I feel very blessed to have such a good friend, especially someone who has loyally kept in touch for so many years despite the many miles that separate us.

For the past several years, Satoko has sent me a box of chocolates for my birthday. Chocolates (sweets) are one of my weaknesses. So it is often difficult for me to make the gift last beyond a day.

Notice the postmark (at the left). I believe that is a crane (bird), but I could be wrong (and I often am). The Japanese regard the crane as a symbol of good fortune and longevity; it also represents fidelity.

I was very happy and relieved to receive the package because I was worried about Satoko since I had not heard from her in a while. She lives in the Tokyo area and I was concerned that she and her family may have suffered ill effects from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant disaster. So the arrival of the package is a good sign.

And the package did contain chocolate!

Note the attractive fancy wrapping.

I had to tilt the camera to minimize the reflection but look closely....

I wonder what kinds are under this cover?

And here they are! Look quick because they will soon be gone

And they came with a beautiful card:

Satoko sends me the most beautiful cards...

A most wonderful present!

Yumm... All gone. They were delicious!!!


Revised Sunday 3/16/2014 to add the empty box.

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