Saturday, December 20, 2014

Bethlehem 2014

Bethlehem, CT Post Office (Saturday 20 December 2014 at ~3 p.m.)

Once again I made my annual Christmas season jaunt to Bethlehem....(CT) to mail my Christmas cards. I was alone (no son, or mule (both stubborn), or pregnant woman). And I made it just in time (miraculously).

Besides the attraction of a Bethlehem postmark, there is the added advantage of getting green fingers from stamping each of my cards with one of the cachets they have. Each year they have a new one; this year's is #78.

2014 Cachet (#78)

I almost didn't make it on time. I had a hazy notion that they were open until 3 p.m. But as I was driving there, I started to wonder if they closed the counter at 3 or the lobby. You see, I needed to buy stamps. If they closed the counter before 3 then there would be a problem. But I was determined to work around whatever came my way. It has always worked out in the past, thanks to.....

The reason why I didn't have any stamps was that I had not been able to purchase the 2014 religious stamp, Christmas Magi. Last year the USPS had the "Virgin and child" which was in a long line of Madonna and child Christmas stamps. But this year, the USPS seemed to want to portray a more neutral image (i.e., non-Christ/Jesus). I wonder why?

I arrived just in time to buy stamps (no Magi though) and get through stamping this year's cachet on my envelopes. Whew!

One reason for my last minute rush (besides my hereditarian procrastination) was my dilemma about Christmas cards plus writing an annual "Review/Highlights" letter.

My criteria for Christmas cards is:
  • Good looking/Classy
  • Made in the USA (i.e., no "Made in China" cards for me)
  • Reasonably priced
  • Religious theme (there is a reason why it's called "Christmas")
  • No sappy Jesus text. I am not a literalist when it comes to that. I'm looking for something more universal.
  • The artwork should depict the entire Holy Family not just Mary and the baby (Jesus). Too often, especially today, St. Joseph is shunted away.
Alas, it was not to be this year. I could not find any card that met the above. In fact, I don't even know where there are any greeting card shops anymore. The ones that were near me are gone. Not too many people do cards anymore. So I was stuck with using what I had squirreled away. I nearly didn't make it. My stock is virtually depleted.

On the way home, I stopped for lunch at G's Burgers for lunch. This has also become part of my Christmas card tradition (since it is on the way). I had a single cheese burger with sweet potato fries and a soda (Dr. Pepper). I took my time since it was my first solid food of the day.

Mailing my Christmas cards from Bethlehem has become a long-time tradition for me that I hope continues for many more years. I'm glad that I have the opportunity to travel to Bethlehem each Christmas. It seems appropriate.


Written Sunday 21 December 2014

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